What is the most fun you ever had in federal prison?

Fun in Federal Prison

Recently, I was asked if I had fun in federal prison. Yes, I actually had a lot of fun, as odd as that sounds. Then I was asked when I had the most fun in federal prison. Through quora.com I answered the question, which I post below.

“I surrendered to federal prison fat, miserable and bloated.

Before I went to federal prison, I set some goals for myself, including getting back into the best physical shape of my life. I was a college athlete, but the inevitable long days of work and so so diet, contributed to some weight gain in my 20s and early 30s.

Fun in Federal Prison

Fun in Federal Prison

I was 33 when I surrendered. I had always dreamed of becoming a long distance runner. My dreams, however, did not become a reality until I saw that dusty track at Taft Federal Prison Camp.

The happiest day or “must fun day” of my prison term was my 27th day of confinement when I ran 30 laps, or 10 miles. It was brutal, exhausting, and my borrowed prison shoes were too big and had at least 10 holes in them. Regardless of the conditions and my inadequate running gear, I was in heaven running around that dusty track. I was free and getting healthier. I was crashing though hurdles that had bogged me down for more than a decade.

When I finished the 10 miles, I reflected. I thought about my iPhone at home that I never used to run. I thought about my expensive running shoes that gathered dust in my garage at home. Until I went to federal prison, I was all talk.

Running changed my life. Besides spending time with family, I’m having the most fun when I run.

Justin Paperny”

P.S. Want to master federal prison, as I did, schedule a call now.

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Justin Paperny
Justin Paperny co-founded White Collar Advice (WCA), helping individuals navigate government investigations, sentencing, and life after prison. WCA also creates compliance and ethics programs for Fortune 500 companies, law enforcement, and universities.

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