
Embrace, Own, Build, and Provide Value

Rebuild Authentically with White Collar Advice

Have you faced fallout from a Department of Justice press release or bad business reviews? We get it. At White Collar Advice, we embrace the past, own it, and help you build a new, authentic record that provides real value.

Our Core Belief

Suppressing bad news or pretending it didn’t happen won’t work. People respect honesty and want to know how you can help them now. The only way to rebuild a tarnished reputation is through authenticity and consistent value.

People Respect Honesty

Honesty is rare, but it's powerful. People appreciate those who own and overcome their mistakes. By acknowledging past mistakes, you can show how you've corrected them, made improvements, and—most importantly—how your experiences can help make their lives better.

A Personal Journey

I’ve been there. Dealing with DOJ press releases was humiliating. Initially, I relied on a reputation management company promising to suppress and remove negative content. They failed, and I learned there are no quick fixes. By documenting my journey through prison and sharing it, I transformed my experience into an asset. This led to "Lessons from Prison," written with Michael Santos in federal prison.

Who We Help

We help defendants, business owners, and professionals restore their reputation and rebuild their lives authentically.

Our Unique Approach

Traditional reputation management often suppresses negative content and locks you into continuous payments. We create authentic, valuable content that naturally pushes negative press down. Our services include:

  • Social Media Campaigns: Authentic content on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, and more.
  • Content Creation: Blogs, videos, and podcasts that provide real value.
  • Website Building: Personal or business websites showcasing your journey.
  • Volunteering: Engage with Prison Professors Charitable Corporation.
  • Mastermind Courses: Develop courses with us influencing millions in prison.

Proof of Success

I started with no following. Through hard work and consistent content creation, we’ve built:

  • TikTok: 130,000+ followers
  • YouTube: 30,000+ subscribers
  • Instagram: 15,000+ followers
  • Twitter: Growing steadily
  • Website: Millions of views annually

Major media networks like Dr. Phil, CNN, Fox News, and BBC rely on us as subject matter experts.

More than 684 people have documented their success with Prison Professors Talent.

Over 100 people have created mastermind courses with our team, influencing more than a million people in prison. This is real and cannot be faked.

Our Values

Honesty and transparency are our cornerstones. We don’t believe in shortcuts.

Take Action

Schedule a call with our team to get started. Whether it’s volunteering, creating social media campaigns, or developing daily content, we’re here to help you build a new, authentic record.

Thank you,
Justin Paperny

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