Business Insider Profiles White Collar Advice

Earlier this week, Business Insider wrote a lengthy article about White Collar Advice. If your schedule allows, I encourage you to read the entire article. If you are busy, let me pull out a couple of excerpts, then suggest a plan of action for you.

In the article, I told the Business Insider journalist, Jenny Powers, “I’d been unwilling to embrace the reality that I was going to federal prison, so I hadn’t prepared at all, which made my entrance into lockup much harder.”

If you are unwilling to embrace the reality of your situation, click here to schedule a call with our team.

“Federal Prison was not part of the life trajectory I’d envisioned.” I told Ms. Powers.

If you can relate to that statement, click here to schedule a call with our team.

Later in the article, I said, “I’d let greed and self-interest run its course, leading me down a path where I eventually pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit mail, wire, and securities fraud.”

If you are wondering how to overcome bad choices and earn the shortest sentence, click here to schedule a call with our team.

Thank you,


P.S. You can schedule a call here.

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Justin Paperny
Justin Paperny co-founded White Collar Advice (WCA), helping individuals navigate government investigations, sentencing, and life after prison. WCA also creates compliance and ethics programs for Fortune 500 companies, law enforcement, and universities.

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