Justin Paperny Joins Lindsie Chrisley on The Southern Tea Podcast


Justin Paperny, an author and prison consultant, joins Linsdsie to give us insight into how his white collar crime and prison journey led him to be a prison consultant, his view on the sentencing of Todd and Julie Chrisley, and how the U.S. desperately needs major prison reform when it comes to non-violent crimes. Lindsie and Justin discuss the massive flaw in the sentencing of white collar crimes and the struggle it is to fight against the U.S. government, Lindsie speaks on seeing her father in prison and what she has learned through her parent’s trial.

Click here to Listen: Justin Joins Lindsie Chrisley on The Southern Tea Podcast


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Justin Paperny
Justin Paperny co-founded White Collar Advice (WCA), helping individuals navigate government investigations, sentencing, and life after prison. WCA also creates compliance and ethics programs for Fortune 500 companies, law enforcement, and universities.

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